Multiple Choice Questions


A useful free online atlas of microsurgery techniques, including numerous webinars that cover a broad range of reconstructive topics.

The official website of the British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS). This provides useful information about the history of plastic surgery, contemporary clinical guidelines and standards, as well as training and learning opportunities.

A free online plastic surgery resource that provides links to major global webinar series with up-to-date presentations on a broad range of reconstructive plastic surgical topics.

e-LPRAS is a peer-reviewed e-learning resource developed by BAPRAS in partnership with Health Education England. It supports the training programme for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and is aimed at plastic surgery trainees. Access is available free of charge to all clinicians in the UK NHS and full members of BAPRAS.

Do you know your Jelonet from your Duoderm? This website provides datacards for every conceivable commonly available dressing, including indications, contraindications and how to use them.

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