Multiple Choice Questions

Journal article (paid)

This is a comprehensive review of pancreas transplantation published in BMJ in 2017. It describes the current state of pancreas transplantation, gaps in knowledge and future studies needed to enable more patients to benefit from this treatment


This is a link to the pancreas transplant page on the Organ Donation and Transplantation (ODT) section of the NHS Blood and Transplant website. It is aimed at healthcare professionals and provides access to all UK policies and guidance on the subject alongside information and updates from national advisory groups.

This is a link to the pancreas transplant page of the NHS Blood and Transplant website that is aimed at patients and relatives. It provides an overview of what individuals should expect before and after transplant and gives information on ‘facts and figures’ as well as support and patient groups.

The Mayo Clinic information page on pancreas transplantation. It provides clear and detailed information.


A video created by surgeons at Houston Methodist in the USA. It shows the technique of preparing the pancreas for transplant on the back table and the surgical implant.

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