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Journal articles (free)

A Cochrane systematic review evaluating the effect of varicocele treatment on live birth and pregnancy rate in subfertile couples where the male has a varicocele. Despite the heterogeneity of data, there is an increase in successful outcomes after treating clinical varicoceles. (free)

Link to an e-learning module on the impact and management of infertility in patients with Klinefelter syndrome, one of the most common known genetic causes of male subfertility.


Link to the European Association Urology guidelines on the diagnosis and management of testicular tumours with the latest versions uploaded to this site based on current evidence.

The American Urological Association guidelines on urogenital trauma, with sections on scrotal/testicular trauma and management. Emphasises the need for prompt surgical exploration in severe trauma.

The European Association Urology guidelines on urogenital trauma, with sections on scrotal/testicular trauma and management. Emphasises the need for prompt surgical exploration in severe trauma.

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