Multiple Choice Questions

Journal article (free)

This paper in the BMJ gives helpful advice about how to get started in quality improvement.

Book (open access)

This book recommends changes that will improve the quality, safety and value for money of healthcare in the USA at the level of the individual as well as the broader heathcare system.


The Healthcare Improvement Scotland Hub is a valuable website that shares tools and techniques that have been demonstrated to improve quality and safety across a wide range of areas.

White Papers and reports (free)

The King’s Fund is an independent charitable organisation working to improve health and care in England. This report by improvement leaders outlines the resources and structures available in the NHS to support healthcare improvement. (free)

This White Paper describes the factors that increase safety in health care. It encourages us to move our focus from ensuring that ‘as few things as possible go wrong’ to ensuring that ‘as many things as possible go right’. (free)

This landmark report by healthcare improvement expert Don Berwick looks at challenges in delivering safe health care in England and advocates for continual learning and improvement in the quality and safety of care. (free)

This White Paper demonstrates the human and economic costs of patient harm and identifies ways in which value-based care can also be safer for patients.

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